MIssed Appointment Policy
Missed Appointment Policy
Our goal at the Animal Vision Center (AVC) is to provide high quality medical care in a timely manner to all of our veterinary patients. As your appointment time is reserved specifically for your pet, AVC has a cancellation/no-show policy. Out of consideration for our patients, staff and our Doctors, we ask that you notify us 24 business hours in advance should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. Messages left on Fridays or on weekends for Monday appointments do not qualify as advance notice because we do not retrieve those messages until Monday morning.
A missed appointment is when you fail to show up for an appointment without a phone call or cancel without at least 24 business hours notice (48 business hours notice for scheduled surgery).
A veterinary/client relationship is built on mutual trust and respect. As such, we strive to be on time for your scheduled appointment and ask that you give us the courtesy of a call when you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment. As a courtesy, AVC has email and voice reminder capability to help remind you about your appointment date and time; however, it does remain the client’s ultimate responsibility to keep track of their scheduled appointments.
Late Arrival Policy:
We make every effort to be on time for all of our appointments. Unfortunately, when even one patient arrives late for their appointment, it can alter the entire schedule for the day. Therefore, a client that arrives 10 minutes or more late for their scheduled appointment may need to be rescheduled depending on doctor availability. Priority is given to patients that arrive on time. If you choose to wait to be seen, the wait time may be considerable and unpredictable.
Appointment No-Show Policy:
A “no-show” is when a client misses a scheduled appointment without communicating the need for a cancellation or providing 24 business hours cancellation notice. In order to reschedule a missed appointment, you will be charged a missed appointment fee and be required to leave a NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER equal to the amount of the consultation ($515 for missed initial appointments or $235 for missed recheck appointments). This retainer amount will be credited toward the next appointment if that appointment is kept.
Surgery Appointment No-Show Policy:
A surgery “no-show: appointment is when a client misses a scheduled surgery appointment without providing 48 business hours notice of cancellation. In order to reschedule a missed surgery appointment, a NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER equal to half the amount of the surgery estimate will be required. This retainer amount will be credited toward the surgery appointment if that appointment is kept.
We do understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally; emergency cancellations are handled on an individual basis. We thank you in advance for abiding by these policies and helping us keep our patients, clients, and staff on schedule and safe!